Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Attorney Hamilton completed an asylum trial this morning (on behalf of a Kalenjin Tribe member from Kenya), which has been pending for the past 7 years.  In addition to the applicant's compelling testimony, in this case, Hamilton successfully presented law and argument as to why a previous non-lawyer's untimely filing of the initial asylum claim should be forgiven such that the case might survive the strict one-year filing requirment. 

Due to the backlog of immigration cases in the Los Angeles Immigration Court, the alien and Mr. Hamilton appeared and were ready for trial five or more times, only to be told that the Court could not hear the case on those particular days. 

We are happy however, to announce that thanks to the patience of our client, the merits of the case itself and the good graces of Immigration Judge Bass and the government's lawyer, the asylum matter was approved and deemed final due to the government's election not reserve appeal.

We congratulate this applicant and the applicant's family in this very difficult and lengthy matter.

By: Maria Rangel

1 comment:

  1. You will not qualify for asylum if you have assisted in persecution, have been convicted of a “particularly serious crime” (determined case by case, but may include minor crimes), have been involved in terrorist activity or can reasonably be seen as a threat to U.S. security, or have resettled in another country asylum lawyer
